Over the years of doing the formula program, we have come across a few children who really could not stay with their families because of neglect or concerns for their well-being. Although for many, the solution is to put them in an orphanage, we believe that God planned for children to be raised in families for a reason, and so as often as possible, we have sought out good families to foster these children. One has actually been adopted by her foster family, we have a set of twins being raised by one of our staff members, and a child being raised by one of our founders. These children will most likely be in the care of Justice Flowing until they reach the age of 18, and so the support of people like you is so necessary for the Foster Home Program. They are raised in godly homes, receive a good education and the love and support of a family. We have such high hopes for these sweet souls!

Babies in our Program
Kerson & Kerwil are twins born November 2019. Their mother passed away a couple months after birth, and they were severely malnourished when they were taken into our foster home. Their father has repeatedly made choices that are harmful to the boys, and their step-mother is unsafe for them to be around. They live with one of our staff members, who loves them so much!

Eliana was born July 2021. Her mother passed away a few months after giving birth, leaving Eliana and her siblings in the care of her father, who did his best for them, but because he was working all day to provide for them, Eliana was often left unsupervised and neglected. After too many close calls, Eliana was taken in by one of our founders and is being raised by her and her family.