Dalensley’s mother was very sick after giving birth, which caused Dalensley to become malnourished. He joined our formula program at 2 weeks old, weighing 4.5 lbs. After 10 weeks in the formula program, he tripled his weight!

Yvenson’s father passed away when he was 2 weeks old. The grief caused his mother to be mentally unstable, and she was not capable of taking care of her baby. In a country that has almost no mental health care, we added Yvenson to the formula program to keep him from malnourishment.

Chilove is in our formula program because she has disabilities that cause her to struggle to eat and to gain weight. Her family cannot afford the formula necessary to keep her from starving.
The formula program was created for babies whose mothers have passed away or are unable to nurse their babies for medical reasons. The price of formula is impossible for most Haitians, and babies who can’t nurse are often fed flour water, tea, or crackers soaked in water which leads to severe malnutrition and often death. To try and save their baby’s life, their only choice is to surrender them to an orphanage, where they are more likely to receive formula. The injustice of this is what caused Justice Flowing to be created- to give families another option to save the life of their baby, while keeping them in the family that loves them and wants to keep them.
We come alongside these families, providing them with formula from 0-12 months of age, and powdered milk from 1-3 years of age. This program requires monthly weight checks to make sure the children are gaining weight, as well as group devotions, and a short educational lesson about different aspects of childcare for the caregivers.
Your monthly donation towards the formula program quite literally saves lives, and as a
thank you, you will receive an update on one of the children who are benefiting from
your kindness, twice a year.
Become a formula program sponsor today!