Make a Difference Today

Help prevent malnutrition & stunting in the lives of orphaned babies in Haiti! Make an impact that lasts a lifetime.

Our Mission

Is to be God's love in action to the most vulnerable.

Our Vision

To see families empowered to stay together and thrive, and for individuals to be equipped to reach their full God-given potential.

How Justice Flowing Began

Aggie Klassen moved to Haiti in 2014, spending most of her time starting an orphanage for a local ministry. As she met with parent after parent trying to give their child to the orphanage, she became aware of two main factors that brought families to the heartbreaking decision to give up their child- if it was an infant, the majority of the time the mother had passed away and the family could not afford the formula needed to keep the baby alive. If it was an older child, the reason was usually that the family could not afford to send the child to school, and in the hopes of a better future for the child, their only choice was to put them in an orphanage where they would receive an education. Burdened by the injustice that there were no other options for these families, Aggie started praying for a solution.
When the orphanage was at capacity and no longer accepting more children, another woman came with an orphaned newborn- named Adonaïka- to see if she could find help. Unable to admit the baby into the orphanage and not wanting to turn the child away to starve, Aggie asked the woman if she would be willing to raise the child if she were given formula and assistance. The woman said yes, and so one of the first formula programs in Haiti began!
During this time Aggie and Kayleigh met in Haiti. Kayleigh had been serving in Haiti for years, mostly in orphanages and with children with special needs. United in their heart for the most vulnerable children of Haiti, and with a passion to make a difference in any way God would use them, and seeing the success the formula program was having, they knew they needed to make it available to more families. Convicted by Amos 5, where God talks about how He hates the people’s assemblies and offerings and gifts, but only wants justice and goodness to flow, they began Justice Flowing, with a desire to equip families to raise their own children, and to provide individuals with what they need to thrive and to have a brighter future. Join us in being the hands & feet of Jesus in Haiti!
We cannot do the work without your help.

Take the noise of your songs away from me! I won’t listen to the music of your harps. But let justice flow like a river, and let goodness flow like a never-ending stream

Amos 5:23